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Saturday, December 31, 2011

RIP Ken Stevenson

I am saddened to have learned the passing of my good friend's father, Ken Stevenson. 
He passed away on New Year's Eve from a heart attack. Our thoughts and prayer are with the Stevenson family.

I've known him for as long as I've known his daughter (since Jr. High) and like many people I was terrified of him. He was this big mean looking guy who didn't talk much, but deep down he was softy.  Ah... so many memories. I'll miss his smart ass remarks. =)

Rest in peace Ken. 

Monday, December 26, 2011

RIP David

December 16th we received a frantic call that Dave had collapsed and wasn't breathing. Being 100 miles away and feeling helpless the only thing we could do was call 911. The paramedic arrived, we were told he was breathing and was rushed to the hospital. We felt a little relieved, but that feeling was short lived. He passed away that night. 

Even though he had some health problems, his passing was sudden and took us by surprise. We will miss him dearly, but know that he's no longer in pain and in a better place. 
We are so sad that our boys will grow up without him, but grateful that they had the chance to be with him and know him. We will do our best to make sure they remember him. 

Rest in peace dear brother. Til we all meet again.