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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Japanese School

After my family's visit from Japan I was reinvigorated to find some kind of Japanese lesson for my son. I figured it would be difficult for him to start the formal weekend Japanese school at age 5, when at age 3 he knows none. So back on the web I went searching for any kind of Japanese lessons for toddlers, and at last resort I figured I would search or advertise through Craigslist to see if I can hire someone. That's when I stumbled upon Sora Classic again. When I first found their site they didn't have any Japanese lessons at that time, but this time they were offering a 45 min class, every Saturday for several weeks and it was for 3-5 year olds. YES!

Without hesitation I enrolled him, and began his Japanese class in June.  He's attended 2 classes so far, and with me making a conscious effort to speak to him in mainly Japanese he's beginning to pick up a couple words here and there. He's still shy in class and forces me to sit in class with him, but I think after a couple more classes I can hopefully slip out to at least grab some coffee with the hubby.

Sora Classics also offers art and music classes. You can check out their website at

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