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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Going Organic

Ever since I've read an article that a friend of mine posted on her facebook status, I got on this new kick to start "going organic". Organic food, organic cotton, BPA free, lead free, hormone/antibiotic free, etc etc... I guess with a newborn and a toddler I've become a bit more concerned what I'm putting in/on/around my kids and more aware of how much crap is in our food today. And all my husband can think of is, "how much is this going to cost us?" Yes I know, going organic is not that cheap, but we can take baby steps. Change one thing at a time.
If you're curious here's the blog that my friend posted that got me thinking:
and the article about it:

So our first step was to buy organic produce and while at the Dragon Boat festival we came across the "Farm Fresh To You" stand. How convenient. We ended up signing up for the regular box, which consists of mostly vegetables and a few fruits, on a once a month basis. So far we're in month 2, and I have to say we're really satisfied with the program. It forces us to add fresh vegetables to our dishes, which we've been so bad at doing for the past year or so, and cook at home. There are a few vegetables that we have no idea what it is or what to do with it, but with the worldwide web at our fingertips we can find quick and easy recipes easily.

Starting next year we'll start to add organic meats, and I'll start to go meatless. Not completely vegetarian. I'll add more fish to my diet, continue to eat eggs but cut out meats (chicken/beef/pork, etc). I'll let you know how that goes.

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