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Thursday, March 17, 2011

I should be in Tokyo by now

I should be at my family's house in Tokyo Japan unpacking and getting settled right now. Instead I'm at home watching the news about the nuclear power plant closely. I postponed my trip by about a couple of weeks and now I'm schedule to fly out of here on March 28th. 

My aunt tells me Tokyo is fine, just dealing with rolling black outs and panic buying. Rice and toilet paper are sold out everywhere, but they have plenty of food. My cousins all went into work either by bicycle or car. They're all watching the problems with the power plant closely, but not too worried. I don't think they would risk their own children's health/lives if they thought Tokyo was in serious trouble. Plus they would tell me to change my plans and not to come at this time. But I am watching it closely since I would be traveling with my two boys and I'll decide late next week whether to change my plans again or not. 

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