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Saturday, May 8, 2010

So Uncomfortable

As of tomorrow (Sunday) I'll be 39 weeks pregnant. I only made it to 37 1/2 with my first child, so I never imagined I'd even make it this far. I always thought after the 1st kid, the next ones are easier and comes out faster. At this point my gut is telling me this kid is going to go beyond 40 weeks and with my luck the labor is going to be longer. *sigh*

I'm so uncomfortable, my butt hurts since I have to lean back when sitting putting a lot of pressure on my tailbone. I can't walk around for too long before I feel like I'm about to pass out, my back is killing me, and I feel like I have to go pee every 10 minutes. The only good thing about it this time around is that I'm not so uncomfortable that I can't sleep. I still wake up every 2-3 hours, but I can still sleep. Oh and I didn't gain as much weight as before. 

To add insult to injury, last Wednesday I thought I was going into labor. I began to have contractions Tuesday night, 1 every hour. Had some cramping throughout the night, and by early morning (5am) I started to have contractions every 15 minutes. They were getting stronger as the hours went by, and started to get closer together as it got into the afternoon. I finally called the doctor's office to see if I should go in, and they had me go in just to check. By the time I got to the hospital the contractions ended up being back to every 15 minutes, and when they checked me I was still only 3 cm dilated, 50-60% effaced, and the cervix and baby were still high at a -2 station. Basically no change since my last appointment, and this was considered "false labor". How disappointing. I should have known better, the contractions weren't anywhere near the same intensity as the first kid, but then again I never had braxton hicks contractions (at least consistent ones) with my first.

I just have to say this pregnancy is totally different than the first one. I wonder with all the trouble I've had with this pregnancy if it's any indication about how the kid is going to be. My little trouble maker.??

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