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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Welcome Baby Mason

Our new bundle of joy is finally here. Meet our little guy. 
Born May 13th at 8:31am. 7 lbs and 10 ounces and 20 inches in length. Aside from the little jaundice he's perfectly healthy.

The funny thing is both him and his brother were born on the 13th, and had exactly the same weight. 

More pictures can be found on our picasa site.

Now that I have a little time I can tell you how it all went down.

Tuesday early morning right after my husband left for work I started to have really bad cramps, so bad I was thinking I might have to call the ambulance or something.  They were about 10 min apart so I called and left a message at my husband's work to have him come home and take me to the hospital. But soon after I left that message the contractions started to lessen in pain, and soon 10 mins were now 15 mins, and by late afternoon they were gone.  Argh! Another false labor.

That same night after I went to sleep I was awaken by the cramping again at 1am. They were pretty far apart that I was able to sleep between the cramping, but by 2am they started coming closer together and stronger. I wasn't sure if this was another false alarm, or if it was a real deal, but one thing for sure I wasn't going anywhere until I knew that was the real deal. At first the contractions were 15 minutes apart which soon turned into 6-8 minutes apart. After the 3rd contraction I started to think that this was it, but I let it go on for a good hour before waking up my husband.

3am I woke up my husband, had him call the doctor, and started to get ready to go. Woke up my poor son and got him ready as well. It took us about 45 minutes to get ready to go and to receive the OK from the doctor to go to Labor and Delivery.  By the time I got in the car to head to the hospital the contractions were 4-6 min apart, and boy did they hurt. I don't remember my contractions hurting this much when I was in labor with Maddeux. You literally can't walk or breath during the contractions.

4:15am I was admitted to the hospital and was 5cm dilated, 70 % effaced, the baby was still at a -2 station, and my water wasn't broken yet. The nurses rushed to get me all set up so I can get my epidural and about 1 1/2 hour later I was finally in epidural heaven. My doctor came to check on me shortly after to do his own assessment. At that time I was about 9cm dilated, my cervix was about 90% effaced (or more), and my water hadn't been broken yet. My doctor felt that he still had some time, so he left to go perform a caesarian section on another one of his patient and once he was done he'd come back to break my water. 

8:00am ish, my doctor was back to break my water, but I think my water broke while he was gone. The funny thing is my doctor's plan was to break my water, then go get an omelette for breakfast, and then come back to deliver my baby. But then he went to check me and found that my water was already broken and the baby was ready to be delivered at that moment. His plan was foiled. LOL.

8:15am ish my legs were put onto the stirrup and was told to start pushing during the contractions. I think I was still in disbelief because it was going by so fast. I didn't feel like I needed to push yet, but I was told to push. After the 3rd push the head was out. 
Have you ever seen the episode of the Kardashian's where Courtney is in labor and she reaches down and pulls out her baby? Well that happened to me. I never thought I would do it but in the heat of the moment and with my doctor telling (almost commanding me to) "reach down and grab him!". I did and I can't lie, it felt gross.

8:31am, Baby Mason was born.

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