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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Last Day of Japanese Class

Maddie had his last Japanese class on Saturday, and I had to take both kids there all by my lonesome. I made sure I prepared myself since he never likes to sit in the classroom without his security blanket (AKA Mama or Daddy).

I first prepped the baby backpack the night before and on the morning of I woke up Maddie an hour before we had to leave so he had time to wake up and become pleasant. He's such a grump in the mornings. I gave him a pep talk all the way there, letting him know that he had to sit in the classroom with his friends without Mama because Daddy wasn't there and I had Baby Mason. But I think what really got him was I told him that this was last day of class. That really seemed to have perked him up. 

We arrived 15 minutes early giving him a chance to warm up and get comfortable with the idea of sitting in the classroom. I thought for sure I had to shove him in the room and leave him crying, but instead he held his own binder, followed the sensei into the classroom, and sat in his normal seat. He even went through the binder with the sensei until the other kids arrived, and I could hear him saying some things in Japanese and others in English. I was a proud Mama at that moment.

I have to say I'm very happy with his progress in learning Japanese, and it definitely gave me a new found determination to speak Japanese to him at every opportunity. I'll be enrolling him again sometime in January of next year. I would have enrolled him for the Fall (Aug - Jan), but he would have missed most of September and a couple in October that I thought it wasn't worth it. Plus it was really hard to get up every Saturday morning when your newborn was only sleeping for 4 hours at a time. I figure by January he'll be sleeping through the night and we wouldn't be so sleep deprived. So til next year.

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