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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Out with old In with the New

Year in Review - 2010
  • Mason was born after giving us a little scare. I was on bedrest about 4-5 weeks before the due date, but he ended up arriving a less than a week from his due date. 
  • Family from Japan visited to meet Mason
  • Peter's brother got married. Yeah!
  • Our friend Jocelyn got married. Yeah!
  • One of our friends announced that they were expecting their first child. And it's a boy. 
  • A few new additions to our circle of friends. Welcome Baby Mia, Lucas, and Baby Aly. (Hopefully I didn't miss any)
  • I ran and finished my first half marathon. The training helped me lose all of Baby Mason's baby weight. Yippee! Now if only I can lose Maddie's last 10 lbs that I gained during his pregnancy. 
  • Hubby ran his first two 10K race events in 2010. 
  • We started buying/eating organic veggies and fruits. 
  • The acquisition of Sun Microsystems (where I worked) by Oracle finally went through in Feb. 
  • I officially became a stay at home mom on Dec 1st due to Oracle finally laying me off. 
  • Peter's company formally announced they are moving their company to Houston. Booooooo
  • Maddie started preschool which accelerated his learning and independence. Unfortunately we had to pull him out when I was laid off. 
What's in store for 2011?
  • Received my first unemployment check. Whoo hooo
  • Run a couple of half marathons (Peter's first half marathon)
  • Continue working out and running
  • Continue to buy/eat organic food and start introducing more and more organic items. 
  • I will cut out all meats from my diet (chicken, beef, pork, etc) for the year. 
Starting out in 2011 there are already many unknowns (ie. job/career, relocate or not), but we know we will always end up where we need to be. With lots of diamoku (prayer) we'll always end up on top no matter what. =)
We're just grateful that we're all healthy, have two great kids, have a roof over our heads, and at least one of us is employed. 

Here's wishing everyone a prosperous and memorable 2011. 

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