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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy 2011. Hope everyone is getting off to a good start in the new year.

The Bubbas rang in the new year in Reno. We stayed at a the Grand Sierra Resort hotel because they had a bunch of things the kids could do. They have bowling, arcade, outdoor go-kart and bumper cars, and miniature golfing. On NYE day we took Maddie bowling for the first time. He was excited at first but lost interest pretty fast. Probably because he had to wait for his turn. We spent $5 at the arcade room, which was a bit disappointing. It was smaller than what we had imagined. Nothing like the one at Circus Circus.

At night we were planning on joining in on the countdown at our hotel/casino, but at the last minute decided to head to downtown Reno to join the rest of the drunk and crazy people. We figured since it was Mason's first New Year's Eve celebration we should do it right. Boy it was freezing outside. Luckily we brought up snow gear for the kids so they could be warm and bundled up. We on the other hand only had our jackets, scarf, and gloves. We parked on the other side of the river and walked over to the main strip 15 minutes before the countdown. We didn't get right in with the crowd, but close enough to be part of it. They lit the sky with fireworks shooting off from the rooftop of the main hotel/casinos and had a live band playing on the outdoor stage. Towards the end of the fireworks we worked our way back to the car and went back to the hotel to get some shut eye. The kids were knocked out as soon as drove off.

On New Year's day, to our surprise, we woke up to snow. It's so beautiful to watch snow flakes falling, but we also knew we had to get out of there soon before we got stuck.


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