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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Hope everyone's holidays was joyous. We spent ours with our boys and ended up running around the city Christmas eve. Not the running around from one event to another kind. Instead at the last minute we decided to take the boys to get their photo taken with Santa. We got there 30 minutes before the mall closed and stood in line for about an hour. They were nice enough to continue taking pictures after all the stores had closed.

After a successful photo with Santa (no crying but had to do a little coaxing) we left and headed to Ghiradelli square to check out the decorated Christmas tree and lights. Unfortunately the hubby forgot to recharge it after coming back from our So.Cal trip and our camera ran out of batteries Luckily we had my point and shoot camera in the glove compartment. We took one last pit stop at City Hall before heading home and getting ready for Santa's visit.

 Christmas Day- It was raining all day, but we didn't let that spoil our fun. The boys opened their presents while we enjoyed our coffee. Mason mainly received new clothes and Maddie received a combination of clothes, toys, videos and video games. They are very spoiled, or blessed. However you want to look at it.Spent the rest of the day indoors relaxing and at night we took our annual trip to "Fantasy of Lights".Well it's our second year and most likely we'll make it an annual tradition for as long as the boys continue to enjoy it. I just wish they would change it up a little each year. 

And that was our Christmas. =)

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