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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So.Cal Trip

My girlfriend and I have been planning this trip for about a year now.  I think her and I were more excited than our kids or husbands. It's great to have friends with kids around the same age as yours. Makes vacationing a bit more interesting, and watching the boys react to new experiences is so fun. This year we took the boys (age 3 and 4) and the babies (1 1/2 and 6 months) to Disneyland for two days, Legoland for a day and then San Diego Zoo for another day.

At Disneyland we did the 2-day hopper, which surprisingly wasn't enough days to get through all the rides. It doesn't help when you have kids that needs to be fed and changed every so often, but I think the boys were able to get on a good amount of rides for the 2 days. The boys got to enjoy driving cars at Autopia, riding the submarine, Toontown at Disneyland, and the train ride and bumper cars at California Adventures. We even took them on the Pirates of Caribbean and the Haunted House. The adults were able to enjoy a quick ride on Indiana Jones and Space Mountain. The first night we stayed to watch the holiday parade and the fireworks in Disneyland. The second night we stayed to watch World of Color at California Adventures. The cool thing was Baby Mason was able to ride many of the family rides, so all 8 of us could enjoy the rides together.

We didn't get the chance to check out the holiday decorations at The Grove nor eat at one of the top rated (according to Rameniac/Yelp) ramen places. I think next time we need to include one day for shopping and sight seeing.

Days 4-7 we stayed in Carlsbad, CA. (About 30 min north of San Diego)
Legoland was a huge success for the boys. Unfortunately Legoland has strict height requirements so Baby Zoee couldn't ride all the ones the boys were riding on and Mason couldn't ride on any. The boys loved driving the cars on their own, and surprisingly enough they were able to drive it themselves (steering, turning, passing).

The San Diego Zoo was a nice change of pace. We took our own time walking through parts of the zoo, and then we decided to take the bus tour. With the bus tour you got to see much of the zoo and the animals we wanted to see. We didn't feel like walking much more after 3 days of constantly being on your feet, so we felt the bus tour satisfied our needs. We did go back to see the pandas before leaving the park.

We took hundreds of pictures, so if you'd like to check them out please visit our picasa web album. 

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