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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Making baby food

I have succumb to making baby food instead of buying already made baby food in a jar. Now that I'm leaning more towards organic food and searching for non GMO products, I decided that I should start making my own baby food. Why didn't I do that with my first born you ask? Well, I really thought this whole organic thing was over hyped and a marketing ploy. I felt since I grew up with store bought baby food, ate non organic foods and was doing just fine, my kids would be fine too. But now that I've read too many articles, if I can do anything to keep them healthy and cancer free then choosing to go organic couldn't hurt.

A good friend of ours lent us their Beaba Baby Cook, and it's been great. I made my little guys his first homemade sweet potato baby food on Thanksgiving. This thing steams the food, and then it puree the food. I still give him store bought baby (organic) baby food, but it's mainly for when we travel. Plus I think he likes the homemade ones better.

Now I just need to go through the baby food recipe book to see what else I can make. =)

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