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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Determined to become the 4th family member early

At 33 weeks pregnant and 3 weeks before I was due to go out on maternity leave, the baby decided to cause some trouble. Tuesday morning I began to feel some cramping, which kept going for about an hour. The cramping started to feel like contractions, contracting about every10-15 minutes. After calling the doctor's office and talking to the advice nurse, I was sent to the labor and delivery department of the hospital for some fetal monitoring. Luckily the baby was fine, good hearbeat, but I was contracting about every 5 minutes. I was given a terbutaline shot to stop the contractions, and a fetal fibronectin (fFN) test to see if there was a probability of me giving birth within the week. Luckily that test came back negative. After all that I was released from the hospital and sent to the doctors office for a cervical exam before going home. I had a vaginal ultrasound to look at the cervix and he found that my cervix was shorter than normal, and he saw some funneling. Which means my cervix may be beginning to thin. With that news I was sent home on bedrest for the rest of the week and prescription for Nefedipine to help stop/slow down preterm labor.

At the end of the week on Friday, I went back to the doctors for a follow up visit. After a cervical exam he found that my cervix was beginning to open. 1cm. For precautionary measure he suggested I get the steroid shot (betamethasone) to mature the baby's lungs in case I do go into labor soon. Unfortunately that meant going back to the hospital 2 days in a row to get the shots. To top it all off I was put on bedrest for the next couple of weeks and taken off work.

I think I stressed out the entire weekend thinking of all the things I needed to hand off for work, and putting materials/documents together.

Oh what a week it was. My next appt is this Friday, hopefully I haven't dilated anymore than I did.

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