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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friday appointment

My doctor's appointment went very well on Friday. It's been a week since he found that I started to dilate and he put me on bed rest and Nifedipine. I wasn't haven't consistent contractions or cramping anymore, and with the cervical exam he found that I haven't dilated anymore. Still at 1cm. Baby's heartbeat was good, and has been moving around a lot.

Now I just had to continue to take it easy, bed rest and continue to take the Nifedipine for 9 more days. 9 MORE DAYS!!!! Then I can stop taking the medication and off bed rest. Yippee. My doctor even joked, "Watch you probably won't give birth until you're a week late". Ha, very funny. I sure hope not.

I actually can't wait to stop taking the meds. I have normally low blood pressure, and the meds lowers my blood pressure making me feel really light headed especially in the morning. My lungs feel congested as well, not bad where I can't breathe, but to the point where I feel like I always have phlegm stuck in the back of my throat. Just hope I don't begin to contract soon after I stop taking the medication.

Well 9 more days and back to normality. (I hope)

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