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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Time to Plan

Now that I have time on my hand being housebound and all, I can start planning for the birth announcements and for the Red Egg party that we'll be throwing some time in August. One of my all time favorite things to do is putting cards together, whether it's looking for the perfect card to purchase or creating one on my own. I'm not that creative so I tend to do a lot of research online before I settle on a design.

For the birth announcement I'm going with "Our little tiger" theme. Befitting for a baby born the year of the tiger, don't you think? After a quick search on google, I found a few announcement cards that I really liked.

As for the Red Egg and Ginger Party invitations, I'm thinking of making those on my own. I haven't found one that I really liked or something close to what I'm envisioning. Let's hope I actually do it this time. If you're wondering what a Red Egg and Ginger party is, it's pretty much a party to introduce your new arrival typically done at their 1 month birthday. We do ours when the baby is 3 months. Click here for more information about it.

This time I think we might hold the party at the park. That way everyone has something to do. The kids can play at the playground, the guys (and gals) can play basketball or football, and the rest can mingle and gossip.

I'll most likely keep the little tiger theme going for the party as well. Now I just need to:
  • Put guest list together
  • Find / Create invitation cards
  • Find / Create favors
  • Put a menu together
  • Find a venue
  • Decorations!
  • Order cake (and maybe cookie favors) (I know who I'm going to ask, if she's available)
Yes I like to plan ahead, because that's what I do. :)

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